Common Dreams
Symbols from the subconscious mind are the language of dreams. Our shared dream experiences serve to connect us as human beings. The human race share common concerns, hopes, fears and conflicts and they are revealed to us in our dreams.“In a dream, a vision of the night, when sound sleep falls on men while they slumber in their bed, then He opens the ears of men and seals their instructions.” Job 33:15-16
In Dr. Valiente’s series “Common Dreams” all of the subconscious symbols he portrays are those most commonly experienced by people in dreams. Several of the most common dreams that he interprets in this series are Chase Dreams, Flying Dreams, Falling Dreams, Naked Dreams, Time (late) Dreams, Death Dreams, and Trap Dreams. Dr. Valiente combines coral stone and bronze to capture the contrast of South Florida natural coral stone with all of its abstract texture against a smooth traditional bronze metal.

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